Critical infrastructure

Sieza Peridect+ protects gas facilities

Sieza – Success Stories: Critical infrastructure in Poland

The PERIDECT+ system by SIEZA is used as a perimeter protection system to protect critical infrastructure, including gas facilities in Poland. The PERIDECT+ secures many gas facilities that are key in terms of transportation and storage. The main parameters of the system that contributed to the decision for its use were the stability of operation in adverse external conditions and the very high efficiency of the system in eliminating false alarms.

Ticking the Boxes

  • Ultra low false alarm rate
  • Ring redundancy
  • Antivandal solution
  • Reliable in extreme climatic conditions
  • Modularity

System users also pay attention to its modularity, which allows the system to be adapted to small or very large facilities, the possibility of using a vandal-proof version, ensuring redundancy of system operation and the possibility of remote monitoring of system parameters via the network, for facilities scattered throughout Poland. Currently, the PERIDECT+ perimeter protection covers several dozen kilometers of fences.