
Sieza Peridect+ succeeded where competing systems failed

Sieza – Success Stories: Data centres in Hungary

PERIDECT+ protects two data centres in Hungary. It is a perimeter protection of strategic importance. Sieza was asked to replace a dysfunctional competitive system that showed a huge amount of false alarms. During the technical inspection of the installation site we found that the fence consists of massive steel plates, which are often whipped by gusts of wind. It primarily caused all false alarms.

Ticking the Boxes

  • Very low false alarm rate
  • Easy maintanance
  • PSIM SW integration
  • Integration with microwave barriers on the detection line

Thanks to a unique algorithm comparing information from neighboring detectors, Peridect+ reduces false alarms caused by environmental conditions. Another requirement, the connection of microwave barriers to the detection line, was easily solved by the LIP+ (I/O) module. Thanks to its easy integration, Peridect+ is hooked up to a PSIM SW that helps the operator to detect intruders directly on the boundary of the protected area.

Spec list

  • 2x CUP+
  • 4x LCP+
  • 389x DSP+
  • 2x IOP+/LAN
  • 14x LIP+
  • 1,6 km of perimeter