FAQ Peridect+

SIEZA process of repair

1) Prior to sending goods for warranty repair or post-warranty service, please contact our technical support by logging in to Sieza Service Desk. In case you do not have the login information, please contact support@sieza.com. This is available on business days from 09:00 AM to 5:00 PM Prague time.

2) If it is not possible to fix the faulty unit remotely, technical support recommends sending the unit for RMA. (RMA is possible with our distributors only). It is necessary to create a Request for RMA number in the Sieza Service Desk or fill in the RMA Request Form and send it  by email after contacting our support team. In both cases, we need the detailed description to efficiently manage returns, replacements, repairs, or refunds.

3) After you create the Request for RMA number or fill in the RMA Request Form, we will provide you with RMA number which should be used as a reference while shipping the goods to Sieza.

4) Please print out the completed Repair list (with assigned RMA number) and attach it to the shipment of goods for repair.

5) The delivery address for RMA is:

     Sieza s.r.o.

     Sazecska 654/12

     108 00 Praha 10

     Czech Republic

Important instruction

If goods were not checked by Sieza technical support prior to sending for repair, the customer covers expenses for the
assessment of the unjustified complaint and the the cost of returning the equipment to the customer (shipping costs).


  • CUP+: 160 mA/12V
  • LCP+: 150 mA/12V
  • DSP+: 0.7 mA/12V
  • LIP+: 2 mA/12V
  • LSP+: 1 mA/12V
  • IOP+: 120 mA/12V (620 mA when all relays are closed)
  • IOP+ / EXP: 50 mA/12V (550 mA when all relays are closed)


  • AXIS P5414-E / P5415-E PTZ
  • AXIS M5055
  • AXIS Q6155
  • AXIS Q(P)5635
  • AXIS Q6045
  • Bosch Autodome IP 500 IR (NEZ-5x30-IRCW4)
  • Bosch Autodome IP 5000 IR (NDP-5502-Z30L)
  • Dahua DH-SD22204TN-GN
  • Dahua SD59230U-HNI
  • Hanghwa Wisenet XNP-6120H
  • HikVISION DS-2DE3304W-DE
  • Luna IP PTZ DOME (L-SF 5203)
  • Partizan IP-VF5MP-IR
  • Partizan IPS-220X-IR AI
  • Partizan IPS-220X-IR AI Starlight
  • Partizan IPS-220X-IR SE AI Starlight
  • Partizan IPS-230X-IR v1.0 Starlight
  • Partizan IPD-VF5MP-IR PTZ
  • Wama 2MP H.265 Starlight


  • Type IP address of your CUP+ unit into your favourite web browser and press Enter
  • Go to "Download" -> "Configuration history" and find the relevant configuration from the history (year/month/day)
  • To save the configuration file make a right click on the file link and press "Save link as…"
  • Upload stored file to CUP+ with Peridect+ GUI


  • Please make sure that you are trying to reach correct IP address. If DHCP is on, use IP scanner to discover the proper IP assigned to CUP+
  • Double check that the firewall is not blocking the communication
  • Make sure your Peridect+ GUI version is equal to the FW version in CUP+. If you need the GUI, please contact us at support@sieza.com


  • Time difference between PC and CUP+ might cause the malfunction of the whole system
  • Connect to CUP+ from GUI and set up current time in "Peridect+" -> "Device Management" -> "Set up time" and use "Load time from PC"
  • Disconnect from CUP+
  • Connect to CUP+ again and the time is synchronized (error message has disapeared)


  • The maximum length of the detection line cable between LCP+ and last detector should not be longer than 1,5 km. Keep in mind that the real cable between the detectors is approximately by 40 cm longer (standard) / 60 cm (antivandal) than the specified distance of each length model.
  • The actual external installation reserve of the cable (after deducting the cable inside the detector covers) is in fact slightly smaller, approx. 20 cm for standard and approx. 35 cm for antivandal version. This reserve is necessary for easy installation.
  • Example 1: for a standard pitch of 2,6 m, 200 detectors and a standard installation, there is a 3 m cable between the detectors and a 2,8 m cable length between the plastic detector covers. This means that the perimeter is 520 m (200 * 2,6) long, the real length of the detection line with the installation reserve is 560 m (200 * 2,8), but the length of the detection line in terms of the cable actually used is 600 m (200 * 3). Take this fact into account, especially for line lengths approaching the system limit!
  • Example 2: for a standard pitch of 2,6 m, 200 detectors and an antivandal installation, there is a 3,2 m cable between the detectors and a 2,95 m cable length between the plastic detector covers. This means that the perimeter is 520 m (200 * 2,6) long, the real length of the detection line with the installation reserve is 590 m (200 * 2,95), but the length of the detection line in terms of the cable actually used is 640 m (200 * 3.2). Take this fact into account, especially for line lengths approaching the system limit!


  • We highly recommend to place the LPP+ overvoltage protectors after every 25 addresses (DSP+ or LIP+ modules) and to place one LPP+ at the end of each detection line. (After 100 detectors it is recommended to replace one LPP+ with one LSP+ module).
  • When using redundancy mode (master / slave), only LSP+ modules are placed on the detection line. (one LSP+ after every 25 addresses).


  • Detection lines are usually installed on the inside of the fence (detector covers with the PERIDECT / PERIDECT+ logo oriented to the center of the area).
  • In our production we prepare addressing of detection lines in a clockwise direction (the sequence of addresses goes from left to right when looking at the PERIDECT / PERIDECT+ logo on the detector housings, in standard cases when looking at the fence from inside the protected area).
  • On request, we can also prepare lines addressed from right to left (if necessary due to the architecture of the project). Please define such a change with all production details when ordering.


  • You can branch (fork) the detection line. It means a star topology is possible, if you follow these rules:

    • Maximum allowed number of addresses is 500
    • Maximum length of each branch is 100m
    • Maximum number of branches in one detection line is 20
    • Total length of detection line must not exceed 1,5km
    • One branch in row only is allowed (branch cannot be branched)